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Our mission is to inspire the next generation to rebel against the world's value system and rise to become the person God has created her to be. 


Recent data reveals an alarming 60 percent of teenage girls (double that of boys) are experiencing anxiety and hopelessness. Approximately 1 out of every 3 girls are contemplating suicide. That is staggering.

Our team is diverse. We are multi-generational, each with our own stories unified by a common thread. God will never leave or forsake you. You can overcome and rise to your true identity.

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Rebel Fest events are hosted on high school and college campuses across Nebraska and include partnerships with local vendors & businesses, a full praise band and multi-generational speakers who share powerful victory stories. We believe real stories breed hope.

Even though this event is targeted at the next generation, everyone is welcome to attend. Our events are and always will be free to attend. 

reclaim your true identity


According to data collected by Omaha Police Department, Missing Persons and Juvenile Trafficking Unit, 521 juvenile females were at risk of being trafficked for commercial sex in Douglas & Sarpy counties between February 2021–August 2021. 

Placing these young women with complex trauma into a foster home has proven unsuccessful. There are currently no homes in the state of Nebraska providing faith-based, trauma-informed housing for juvenile survivors of commercial sex trafficking. There is a critical need for these services.

We are working in collaboration with many local child advocacy partners to implement a proven program for each girl to heal and become all God has made her to be. We are so excited to be part of what God is doing to set the captives free.

refuge: shelter from danger

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