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When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!


For years, this simple adage has reminded us that it’s possible to turn something sour — the difficult, the life-changing, the unknown — into something sweet. Into joy.


Small actions that transform lemons to lemonade.


Small actions, done with great love, transform you. And they can transform everyone in your path.


That’s the heart behind Making Lemon-Aid.


What started as a simple idea to support struggling small businesses during the pandemic, has become a movement of Hope and love, and light. Your small action really does matter. Together, we're making a real difference for one business and one family at a time.


 When you purchase a Making Lemon-Aid product, you are meeting real needs.. ALL profits from your purchase will are donated.

Local Business Spotlight

Pancho Villa Mexican Grill Owners: Eli & Lisa Santana and their family

To hear the news that COVID-19 was coming, and we would have to close our business was very scary. We did close, and then reopened for take-out only. We still don't know if we are going to pull through. We have the most faithful customers. Some have come since the start of our journey. They have seen our kids grow up and prayed for us in our times of need. Not to be able to see them or catch up with them has been very hard.


In our situation, I’ve had many health issues since 2015, including a heart transplant and several operations in the last year and a half. The pandemic has made this difficult, as it’s been financially hard on business as it was. This hit us like a ton of bricks. I cannot work in my condition, and we only have 2 employees. Eli is trying to work from home so as to not infect me or the kids. We’re worried my immune system won't handle this well. We are uncertain we can re-open. We will have to keep doing take-out or possibly lose our business. 


There is so much uncertainty in these times for many people. It breaks my heart, especially those with small businesses that have put their blood, sweat and tears into their business. We have been in the restaurant business for 22 years and have 4 children. Yes, we are struggling, yes, we are scared, and yes, it breaks our heart. We have been through so many trials in the last 4 years, we hope that we can eventually get back on our feet. 

Eli and Lisa Santana 

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